Shockwave seats have revolutionized the Marine and Motorsports industries and we're honoured to be producing parts for them.

Our brand new 400 Ton Toshiba Die Cast Machine arrived from Japan to start the year off with increased capacity.
The Toshiba techs have been with us for over a week now to help complete the installation.
Much to our surprise we were graced with the presence of a Toshiba Die Cast guru, Gary Durkin. Gary offered our team an impromptu training session over the weekend. Our Die casters were eager to learn and spent Saturday with Gary in a 2 session approach. The morning was spent in our boardroom absorbing everything there was to know about the controls and features of the new machine. The team then spent the afternoon with hands-on training to apply everything they had learnt earlier in the day.
We are looking forward to being in full production with this machine in mid February!
Aug 27, 2019 9:09:44 AM
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